About the tool
This decision tool is designed for health care professionals in preparing to counsel a patient diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). The information presented on the outcomes a patient faces can help her make a treatment choice that is best for her.
The tool predicts the likelihood of recurrence (DCIS and invasive), breast preservation, and survival as a result of selected treatment options (lumpectomy, radiation, tamoxifen, and mastectomy). These outcomes should be discussed in the context of possible side effects for each treatment.
Sharing This Information With Your Patient
The patient's choices and outcomes can be printed and given to her to review at a later time and to share with others.
When discussing outcomes with your patient, please also consider sharing these important take-home messages:
- You are unlikely to die from DCIS no matter which treatment you choose.
Note: If you are older and have DCIS, your risk for dying from a cause other than breast cancer is greater than your risk for dying from DCIS. - The first treatment you choose can affect your future treatment choices, should your DCIS come back.
For example: if you choose to have radiation for your first DCIS treatment, you cannot have radiation treatment to the same breast a second time. - Chest wall recurrences happen rarely after mastectomy for DCIS due to the small amounts of breast tissue that may remain after mastectomy.
Access the Patient Resources tab for additional resources.
- Soeteman DI, Stout NK, Ozanne EM, et al. Modeling the effectiveness of initial management strategies for ductal carcinoma in situ. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2013 Jun 5;105(11):774-781. PMID: 23644480.
This decision tool should not be used by patients without the consultation of a health care professional.